Create a New Project in Plexa

Create a New Project in Plexa

1. Click "Settings"

2. Click "ADD PROJECT"

3. Complete the "Name" field.

4. Select a Project Status.

5. Complete the "Project Number" field.

6. Select a Client Name or Create one by clicking the '+' icon.

7. Select a Project Category.

8. Upload a Project Image.

9. Complete the Project Overview.

10. Complete the "Project address" field.

11. Complete the "Preliminaries Cost" field (Non -Mandatory)

12. Complete the "Construction Cost" field. (Non -Mandatory)

13. Complete the "Consultant Cost" field. (Non -Mandatory)

14. Click "Add from Global Directory" to add Project Members to your Project.

15. Click the "Search Orgs or Users" field to Search for Project Members within the Global Directory, if users do not exist in the Plexa Global Directory click 'Add New Org' to add them into Plexa.

16. After you search or create a new organization click "Add to Project" to add the users into the Project.

17. Click the exit icon to return to creating your project.

18. Click "ADD LOCATION" to add Locations to your projects (Non-Mandatory). These locations are used to link a Defect, Permit or Quality Plan to a Building location.

19. Complete the "Enter Location Name" field such as 'Building A'

20. Click the "ADD AREA"

21. Complete the "Enter Area Name" field. This could be Levels of the main building or any Sub-Locations relevant to the Location Name.

22. Allocate a Range of Levels to a Sub Area such as Level 1-10. Plexa will automatically create a record for each level.

23. Complete the Document Naming Convention by firstclicking the "Enter project code" field. A Project Code could be any type of code relevant to the project that you want to identify in documents.

24. Allocate each organization you want to upload documents an Organization Code so you can identify who uploaded certain documents.

25. Select an organization from the dropdown. Only organizations invited into the project will show here. You can always complete this later as you invite organizations into your project. Enter the code you want to show in the 'Enter Code' section.

26. Assign a Discipline of what you want each organization to upload.

27. Select an organization from the dropdown.

28. Select or search for a Discipline you want to assign each Organization.

29. Select whether you want users to allocate their revision numbers in 'Numbers' 'Letters' or both.

30. Click the "Letters" field.

31. Click "SAVE"