Create An Injury
Create An Injury
1. Click "INJURIES"
2. Click this icon.
3. Click this dropdown to select an Injury Category.
4. Complete the "Date & Time of Injury*" field.
5. Complete this dropdown.
6. Complete this dropdown.
7. Complete the "Description" field.
8. Click here to tag an Injured Personnel.
9. Click "NEXT"
10. Complete this dropdown.
11. Complete this dropdown.
12. Complete the "Provide details of the treatment provided by you or others" field.
13. Complete this field.
14. Complete this field.
15. Complete this field.
16. Complete this field.
17. Complete this field.
18. Tag any Personnel who were involved or witnessed the Injury
19. Tag an Equipment that was involved.
20. Tag an SDS that was involved.
21. Tag a SWMS that was involved.
22. Click "NEXT"
23. Upload any relevant documentation.
24. Click here.