Create Tender
Create Tender
1. Click "Tenders"
3. Complete the "Trade ID" field.
4. Complete the "Trade Name" field.
5. Assign a Closing Date.
6. Allocate what user/s will be assigned to the Tender from your Organization.
7. Allow tenderer to access this tender past the due date by clicking the checkbox. This is Non-Mandatory.
8. A consultant can also be assigned to all RFI's received by Tenderers. This is Non-Mandatory.
9. You can allocate the "Project Description" set up during the creation of the project as a cover letter.
10. You can also allocate a trade specific cover sheet with your Tender.
11. Click "Add Tenderers" to add Tenderers from the Global Directory.
12. Click "Add from Global Directory"
13. Click the "Search Orgs or Users" field.
14. Or create the Tenderer an account if they do not exist in the Plexa Directory.
15. Add Documents from your Document Module by selecting the entire folder or Double-Clicking to add individual files.
16. Select the individual files you want to add.
17. Click "ADD DOCS"
18. Click here to attach any further documents not located in Plexa.
19. You can also assign a Returnable Schedule by creating your own or selecting one from the Plexa Library. This returnable schedule will be used in our Automated Subcontractor Comparison. Please note that any quantities & rates filled in here will ONLY be visible by your Organization and NOT the Tenderers.
20. Click the "Create Own Returnable Schedule" field.
21. Click the "Select from the Plexa Library" field.
22. Click here.
23. Click a Template that you can customize to suit.
24. Click Send.