Adding a New User
Adding a New User
1. Click "Settings"
2. Click "User Management"
3. Click "ADD USER"
4. Click "Edit" to add photo
5. Click "Admin" if they are an ADMIN user only
6. Click "Active" ensuring toggle is BLUE
7. Click "Active" again to GREY toggle making the user INACTIVE
8. Click the "First Name *" field.
9. Click the "Last Name *" field.
10. Click the "Position *" field.
11. Click the "User email" field.
12. Click the "Phone *" field.
13. Click the "City" field.
14. Click 'Country'.
15. Click "Default Project Role"
16. Click "Add New" for Accreditations
17. Click 'Select Skill Type'
18. Click the "Enter Description" field.
19. Click "Browse", to add files, etc..
20. The user will recieve an email with a Create Password link immediately upon creating this user"
21. Click "SAVE"